Give Now

Become a Hope and Healing Partner to create sustainable health within your community. Donations provided by our partners allows us to continue serving our patients in a long term capacity.

Give $25, $50, $100 or another amount monthly!

person wearing pink crew-neck shirt with hand clasped together
person in blue crew neck t-shirt holding white plastic bag

Hope Project Volunteer

Let us know you are interested in volunteering. We have many Hope Projects of all different kinds. We will match you with an opportunity that fits your unique talents and passions. If you are not sure if you can help, YOU CAN! Everyone has the ability to serve. We can help you find your passion! Sign up here!

Fellowship With Us

Check out our Events Page. There you can find tons of information including our calendar of events, social media pages, and more. Come to just have a good time and be blessed! Like us on FacebookInstagram and spread the word so people know we are here!!